Special Ukraine edition

Putin has brought back war to Europe. This war on Ukraine is a war on Europe. As Europeans, initiators and funding partners behind the Culture of Solidarity Fund stand resolutely in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and all those who resist Putin’s attempt to rewrite European borders and European history.

With pooled resources from a group of European co-funders [see partners below], the Culture of Solidarity Fund was relaunched as a pan-European effort right at the beginning of the war to respond to local cultural emergency needs. As a result of their long-standing programmes work in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the team of the Culture of Solidarity Fund and its partners have relied on a widespread network of cultural initiatives in Ukraine to identify and answer such immediate emergencies.

In the first year of its existence the Ukraine edition of the Culture of Solidarity Fund has awarded more than 80 projects with the total of just over 1.3 million Euro, not in the least thanks to the growing European coalition of funders.

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